iPhone 14 Pro

Technology advances in staggered steps on a daily basis and, of course, Apple cannot stay on the sidelines . That is why it is constantly working to offer the best and definitely the most up-to-date equipment on the market.

Therefore, if you are recently thinking of purchasing a high-end device, you should be aware of each of the features and functions of the iPhone 14 Pro , which we are sure you will love.

We are not only talking about a new equipment, but also about the latest in terms of features and software. However, you have the opportunity to be a user of one of the best technology companies in the industry.

It is no secret to anyone that Apple has managed to position itself over the years, and not only that, but also to keep its customers satisfied for a long time. It is that the relationship between quality - price is undoubtedly fundamental and quite attractive for its users.

Definitely, the quality of their equipment is simply evidence of how magnificent the elaboration process is within the company. The manufacturing process is quite extensive, but definitely the satisfaction of its users for Apple is a very good reward, in addition to notoriously receiving financial remuneration.

For this reason, at Shopdutyfree.es you have at your disposal the best equipment on the market and the best recommendations in terms of quality. Don't think about it anymore and get to know each of the characteristics of this equipment.

What is the iPhone 14 Pro?

After so many expectations, the time has come! Let's get to know in depth what is the iPhone 14 Pro? In short, this is a high-end device launched on the market by the Apple company together with its brother, the iPhone 14 Plus .

This device is very innovative, however, it is not unheard of to say that it also has features that have been used in previous releases.


Surely in these instances you are wondering what really makes this team so innovative? In addition to the variety of colors in which you can get this equipment, there is the software update and new functions that will surprise you.

But Stop, before explaining in detail what the new features of this equipment are, let's learn a little about the reason why Apple has become one of the favorite companies for users, lovers of technology and the benefits it offers .

Why has Apple become the sensation of the market?

The success of Apple has not fallen from the sky overnight, and it is that after a resounding success today a lot of years of work is hidden. 46 years , specifically, have been necessary to achieve quality, and yet these are in constant evolution.

This company has a very characteristic quality and that is that it always seeks the satisfaction of its customers. In fact, on their official website and on social networks they have a section to ask questions about any type of doubt or suggestion to the company.

And it is probably there where the master formula is really found, the satisfaction of its users . Because if you analyze it in a certain part it makes sense, because with it time will pass if they are not satisfied you will not have sales, which is synonymous with the bankruptcy of the company.

This, together with an excellent staff, has allowed Apple to reach the top of the top, and stay there for a long time. Definitely, a new team means a discovery of new features that will make your technological life much easier and more enjoyable.

All the news of the iPhone 14 Pro

Leaving a lot of doubt regarding the new Apple team, it is inevitable not to feel anxious about everything that comes next. And yes, you are right, in this section you will get each of the new innovations that this device has for you.

Obtaining a good quality product is only one purchase away from you, so take into account each of these characteristics that will allow you to obtain the best of the industry at your disposal.


Technology is advancing every day, and iPhones are also advancing at the speed of light. So much so that it is a faithful example of the technological progress that has occurred in recent years.

Added to this, the quality of the professionals is impressive. Since they are in constant training to offer the best equipment to each of the users.

We are sure that this equipment will exceed your expectations, and that you will not regret buying it. In our facilities you have availability, so do not hesitate when purchasing it.

Novelty in the design

The novelty that is at first glance is that of the design, although for sure this is very similar to that of the iPhone 13 Pro , but the difference is that we can find it right when we turn on the screen.

Immediately we can get a dynamic island, which the company has called a new dynamic island that is anchored with a lot of new functions along with animations that make each of the team's sensors work.

In addition to this with respect to the screen, it has a slightly thinner frame compared to the other equipment. Its edges are quite straight, made with matte colored glass (this will depend on the equipment you choose).


Another thing that is important to highlight in this new equipment is its magnificent screen, which in previous editions has OLED technology , in terms of resolution the difference is so small that in fact it is unlikely that you will be able to notice it.

Its operation is quite fast, it works perfectly and quickly when making any touch. You can evidence all this through games, which are those applications that require better development of this function. You will not regret it, it will meet your expectations and a little more.

On the other hand, if you find yourself using your computer outdoors and in direct sunlight, your screen's brightness will be adjusted immediately. In addition to an increase in peaks than in the previous version (1200) and currently 2,000 nits.

As for its sharpness and range of colors, it still offers the same quality as similar equipment, that is, Full HD. Without a doubt, the visual experience that you will get with this mobile is on another level.

High impact camera

Taking good photos will no longer be a dream thing, with the iPhone 14 Pro this is already a thing of the past, thanks to its incredible cameras now with a little effort you can get great graphics to surprise on your social networks.

The size of the sensor has had notable improvements, in this edition it has a double lens accompanied by a 48-megapixel main sensor . Plus, with ProRaw mode you can get stunning quality photos.

Ultra Wide Angle Sensor

This is a sensor that you can find in this equipment that will allow you to observe the graph in more detail. This will noticeably make it much easier to notice the texture and definition of the landscape.

Compared to the previous version, this sensor in this edition is much wider and larger. Being a fan of the detail made in close-up photographs. This in turn improves photos in macro mode .

Portrait mode

Portrait mode, of course, can't be left behind in the iPhone 14 Pro 's new features , as there's now the option to shoot photos at 1x, 2x or 3x. Although for many this mode is not their favorite, because sometimes it can be a bit complicated to activate it, with this new software this will no longer be a problem.

You will be able to activate it with just one click and obtain photographs with a sharpness of infarction.

Photo and video editing tools

A good camera is of course essential when it comes to taking good photographs, but it is not a secret that sometimes it is necessary to use editing to improve small details that undoubtedly make a difference.

With the iPhone 14 Pro you will have at your command editing tools that will allow you to take your photo to the pinnacle of success. Also accompanied by filters, colorimetry and approaches that will give it that special touch that your graphic needed.

Night mode

This option is our main ally when it comes to taking a selfie in areas with low light. But don't worry, it activates automatically and lets your face begin to take center stage in the portrait. Focusing directly on our face.

Cinema mode

One of the innovations of the cinema mode is that now you have the opportunity to record in this equipment in 4K , with respect to the approach, this is quite good and also acceptable in terms of quality.

Added to this, this mode can also be achieved while recording with the front camera, with an excellent result.


Surely this is a feature that you have heard very little about, but it will surely get you out of trouble when it comes to capturing incredible moments. This is the most viable option to get the most out of the excellent 48-megapixel camera that this equipment brings with it.

But you must activate this function manually by accessing the settings section of your equipment and pressing the Camera - Formats section and choose the megapixels of your choice.

The quality of the photo with this function has a rather curious detail, and that is that it offers better colorimetry. In addition to increasing its weight in terms of storage.


In the previous sections we have placed a lot of emphasis on photographs, but what about videos? Undoubtedly, the quality of the videos obtained in this equipment has an outstanding quality with respect to its competition.

It is the king of stabilization , since it controls very well the movements and the small tremors that the pulse can sometimes have when starting the recording process.


With all these points in its favor that the iPhone 14 Pro has with it, the system is among the best in the industry. Its mobile processor takes all the plaudits in this category, as well as being compatible with the new A16 chip .

Its efficiency is in turn largely due to the storage of energy in a short time. You can use it all day and have the autonomy that you were looking for.


This team maintains its iOS 16 software, which is constantly updated so as not to overlook any detail that the world of technology creates for its users.

Where can I buy the iPhone 14 Pro at the best price?

Shopdutyfree.es is the best option to purchase high-end electronic equipment. In any of its branches you will be served with the highest quality standards and with the options that best suit your personal preferences and tastes.

Look no further, this is the ideal place to get original equipment and with a fairly safe and efficient purchase process.

Don't think about it anymore. What are you waiting for?

If you want to get a very good quality equipment with the most up-to-date features in the industry, the iPhone 14 Pro is waiting for you. To make your life in the networks much more efficient.

Quality, safety, comfort and efficiency at your fingertips. You are at the forefront of what is most innovative from Apple. Are you going to let it go unnoticed?