We value each of our customers and care about your shopping experience on our website. That's why we offer the most secure payment methods on the market to ensure your peace of mind and provide you with a triple protection service.
We offer a permanent protection service to our ShopDutyFree Protection customers. In addition, we guarantee the delivery of the product, the price and the technical specifications of the product provided on our website, with the return of the product without any obligation for 30 days after receiving the delivery. You can process your ShopDutyFree Protection claim from our website, in the Contact Us section, select ShopDutyFree Protection as the subject. You will receive a reply within 24 hours and a full refund of your purchase if you are within the first 10 days of the trial period.
Protection of Visa and MasterCard payments on ShopDutyFree against unauthorised charges. Your card issuer can help you resolve any problems related to unauthorised transactions. On your card statement you will find the address and/or telephone number of the issuing institution. The issuer's telephone number may also appear on the back of the card itself.
Protection against fraudulent payments. At ShopDutyFree we have a department dedicated to checking all transactions received on our website in order to detect and cancel all fraudulent payments.